The Curtis Brothers & the Mazamas - with Mathew Brock
Recorded: April 15, 2021
Location: Tualatin Oregon, using Zoom
In association with the Lower Columbia Chapter of the Ice Age Floods
This talk looks at the history of the Mazamas and the photographer brothers Edward and Ashasl Curtis. The bulk of this talk focuses on Mount Rainier and Mount St. Helens between the late 1890s and the early 1920s.
Officially founded July 19, 1894 on the summit of Mount Hood by a group of 105 climbers.
The Mazamas offers more than 900 hikes and 350 climbs annually for more than 13,000 participants.
Variety of classes and activities promotes mountaineering through education, climbing, hiking, fellowship, safety, and the protection of mountain environments.
The name Mazamas means mountain goat, from Nahuatl mazatl, deer.
Master of Library and Information Science from the University of Washington
Bachelors of Social Science from the University of Alaska Southeast.
Volunteers Oregon Historical Society and a representative for the Northwest Archivists.
First climbed South Sister as a teenager. While living in Alaska, he developed a love of hiking, backpacking, and rock climbing. Mathew enjoys traveling, cooking, and building things.