Around Tualatin
Explore the Treasures of Tualatin with this interactive Map
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Start your journey at the Tualatin Heritage Center and discover the amazing Treasures of Tualatin, many within walking distance.
Some examples include:
Lake at the Commons
Tualatin River Greenway Trail
Ki-A-Kuts Pedestrian Bridge
The many City Parks with artwork and historical interpretive signs
Discover history in our local businesses and community builds
Learn about the historical homes still standing including descendants of Daniel Boone.
Learn about the Ice Age and Mastodons that roamed here thousands of years ago!
Sources: City of Tualatin Historic Resource Technical Study and Inventory; Tualatin Historical Society; THS Walking Tour
Discover more Treasures of Tualatin throughout the years

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Tualatin Valley Creates. Bored? They can fix that!

Discovered Here in Tualatin

Tualatin from above

Printable Water Trail Map

Creating Community Through People, Parks, and Programs

The River Greenway’s Grand opening—just the beginning.

Tualatin Centennial—the complete special edition.

A tourist destination? A plan not frozen in time
Discover more in our Tualatin Attic