Just a Small Town Boy at Heart: Oral History of Larry McClure
Oral History of: Larry McClure
Interviewer: Sandra Carlson
Date: 05/16/2022
Location: Tualatin Heritage Center
Born in Tennessee and living in several states before getting a teaching job in Portland Public Schools, McClure was accustomed to living in smaller cities. After graduate school in Eugene, the McClures settled on Tualatin. Over the next 50 years, Larry has left his footprint all over our community through his volunteer work with many local organizations including the Methodist Church, Tualatin Historical Society, the Grange, and the National Lewis and Clark Heritage Foundation. Join our co-historian Sandra Lafky Carlson as she interviews Larry about his most amazing half century of contributions to the town he decided would be home.
Click on the below to start the video
Larry McClure works with Tualatin Elementary fourth-graders, who each year make butter, wash laundry on washboards, use slate boards in a one-room school, play jump rope, and plant gardens during “Oregon Pioneer Days” at the Tualatin Heritage Center. PHOTO COURTESY AL STEWART PHOTOGRAPHY
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