Art Sommers presents:
The History of Hillsboro in Pictures.
Join us 1pm on March 1st at the Heritage Center when fellow history lover Art Sommers from Hillsboro will share images of a town that is so near, yet so different from Tualatin. He will discuss his work in capturing Hillsboro history and have the following for a first hand look:
1. File folder with a short history of photography.
2. 3-riing binder with biographical information and samples of work from turn of the last century Hillsboro photographers.
3. 3-ring binder with post card images of Hillsboro. These images are from mainly 1910-1940.
4. 3-ring binder of images of wooden towers supporting water tanks from across Washington County.
5. File folder with history of Hillsboro's Coffee Club. Includes narrative, maps, images, and newspaper articles.
6. File folder with history of businesses in building at 3rd and Main in Hillsboro. Has images, maps, and newspaper articles.
7. File folder with history of evolution of streets in Hillsboro. This includes dirt, wood planking, and asphalt. Has info on concrete sidewalks and assigning of street numbers to buildings. Includes images and narrative.
8. File folder with history of greenhouses in Hillsboro. Has images and maps.
9. File folder with history of Hillsboro's post office and its many locations over time. Has images, narrative, maps, and newspaper articles.
10. File folder with history of the early hotels in Hillsboro. Has narrative, maps, images, and newspaper articles.
11. A timeline of key events in history of Hillsboro.
Art was born in Auburn, California in 1950. He lived in a railroad depot in Towle, California from 1950-1955. In 1955, his family of 6 moved from Towle to Auburn. After attend college in San Fransisco and serving in the Navy, he co-authored his first book on Auburn. In 2015 he moved to Hillsboro was finish a three volume set of his own family history. As if he wasn’t busy enough he volunteered at the Washington County Museum (now Five Oaks Museum) where a large collections of photos incentivized him to, guess what, write a book about that! But wait, there’s more--Art wrote two other books about California with assistance of friends there. Then his publisher called and wanted to know if he’d be interested in doing a book on Hillsboro. After getting permission from the Five Oaks staff Art proceeded and his most recent book will be published in February. At our March meeting you’ll get a sneak peek of some of those images.
Art will bring copies of his Washington County book and new Hillsboro book. They will be available for $20 each—below retail!
Tualatin Heritage Center, Wednesday, March 1st at 1pm.
Early Hillsboro Bank