Walking Through Time: The many lives of that Barn on Tonka Street
Jon Wisniewski, DVM. He is the practice owner of Emergency Veterinary Clinic of Tualatin
PHOTO by Erika Rankin. By contributing to our “Walking Through Time” series she gets a free annual membership!
From Dairy Barn to Equipment Rental to Emergency Vet Clinic
Loyce Martinazzi reports: Zeke Eddy used to own that property. He came on the Oregon Trail with the Thompson family in 1863. They purchased the Barr land claim. Zeke inherited that place. He married Ella Byrom and they built a lovely home close to where the McDonald's is now.
Zeke and Ella had no children so they gave Joe Byrom's daughter Gladys and her husband Ed Blank the property. Ed built the barn and had a milk delivery route. Lots of kids used to play basketball in the loft of that barn. It is a keeper!