Jerianne’s World.

Join the Historical Society in this delightful conversation with Jerianne Thompson. She is Tualatin’s Library Director and so much more!

You might think you know Tualatin’s Library. Well, think again. Director Jerianne Thompson takes you into a world where there are 3-D printers; streaming videos; take and bake recipes; tools for making ceramics or leather craft; air fryers, Ice age bones; and , oh yeah, books. For two decades Jerianne Thompson has climbed to the top of her game in the library business. Starting as reference clerk at the Murfreesboro, Tennessee library in 2002 she, in parallel, was working to get her Masters in Library and Information Science. Some 10 years later she found herself as Public Services Supervisor at the Tualatin Library. Since 2018 she has been the Library Director and it was just in time for us because she has overseen some of the most tremendous challenges our library has ever faced. From the predictable like reading programs for children to the unknown like how to operate in a pandemic. But wait, it doesn’t stop there. In addition to the many services and roles Jerianne has helped oversee at the library, she has also helped transform the facility into one of the only 2 library maker-spaces in the metropolitan area—join our program to find out what that means! In addition to all of this she also finds herself in a leadership role for our local Ice Age Foundation. You are going to discover so many things about her and our library during this interview hosted by Larry McClure.


Arbor Day 2022 Poetry Contest


Lam Research: They make the machines that make microchips.